Tuesday, December 15, 2009

Oh my, have i found a blog after my own heart! Loves books, purple, libraries, probably old, musty smelling bookstores and loves be sarcastic about it all: the lit connection. From one nerdy to another - Thanks!

Also encourages me to start a links section so that we can enjoy all the unusual, quirky and faniciful finds the wonderful webverse holds.

On my own venture to the library tonight (Yes, you should visit the library once in a while - books are magical things... they also have music cds and movies and computers and story time - wow, story time!, as i told my sister today when she asked what i was doing...
"Just getting back from the library."
"Huh, l-i-b-r-a-r-y. Well, I should really visit there too."
"Um, it's not a resort location, right?" i reply.

So, i picked up a new audio cd The Omnivore's Diet. Yes, my library is lacking a good selection of non-fiction, learning type audioCDs... unless i want to relearn French (not)... really want to learn something interesting on that looooonnnggg drive in. But just wait for all that extra good knowledge i'll be able to share with you about what not to eat! As Tara says, i may be down to raw foods soon. Now that cokes are out of my life, what is the point? coke = elixir of life. Also found two, i'm sure, award winning trashy romances to invigorate the soul with hopeful, soulwrenching romance that's just not realistic (Mom, seriously, i don't read them for the hot friskiness). Oh, and super cool -- cds of both Greases (oh joy! and yes, i'm planning to shamelessly rip the music from them... oh, so rebellious i am *chills*.) and John Denver *thank God, i'm a country girl?*

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