Friday, May 29, 2009

*head humbly bowed, eyes downcast* "i'm sorry Kathy Freston, for disparaging your name about the negative power of the 21 day fast (tho, really, you still shouldn't promote it so lightly!).

Ridiculous as it may seem, i thought the results of fasting would hit quickly, and nasty little toxins would make my organs red and angry as they purged from my shiny new system. i expected to feel crummy! But... it turns out i've had a UT infection since Tuesday (tell me i'm a machine for sucking it up that long!). Mom shamed me into going to the doc, especially when she learned my back has been hurting. "You should have listened to your Hubbie!" she exclaimed. That's a first! "You could end up in the hospital! You know your Aunt was hospitalized for 10 days with a kidney infection!" "OK! i'll go!" Indeed, i should have listened to my Hubbie. Even Dad was like, "That's ridiculous! Go to the doctor!" Oh really, like you go when you should! Seriously...

Care Now is a beautiful place -- web check-in, efficient service, friendly people, good movies to watch while you wait. And it's on my co-pay and they're open 'til 10pm. Now, i'm hopeful about feeling well very soon.

Supposed to be a lovely weekend. Hope you have a chance to enjoy it! Me? i'm mulching, and adding to the host of mosquito and ant bites i collected when i planted flowers. Oh joy! What a fantastic week!

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