Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Friends! i've not forgotten you! Life has been a busy thing lately.

When i logged in, i despaired as to what to share about. But, trust good, old nerdy topics to catch my eye and provide great fodder for sarcasm.

So... i'm catching up on the latest from a few of the blogs i follow, and i see a post about a new Beauty & the Beast fairy tale rendition airing on SyFy as their Saturday night B-movie flick. Not sure if you know, but Beauty & the Beast is my all-time favorite, hands-down most loved story of all time. i'm a complete sap and will read, view, listen to anything B&B related. i have a list of B&B related books that i'm on the lookout for at all times, and i never miss a movie/TV version. Remember that old 90s show with Catherine and Vincent (*sigh* just found a facebook fan page for them... i mean really, the world needs no more sappy B&B saps!)? Loved it, own it.

But, Friends, sadly, i think i have found my limit.

Go on... take a gander at the kind of nonsense that catches my eye. But even this, dear Friends, is so, so bad. First off, Ladies, i mean really, it's the Middle Ages, learn to use a knife. And effects people, really, can we at least make a beheading look reasonably real? Even NCIS does it better. And what's with the mini-skirt? Again, Middle Ages, people.

So, i share the video with Hubbie, cuz seriously, it's funny. And i'm commenting on the lack of knife-wielding skills.
"So you know how to fight with a knife?" he asks with sarcasm.
"You're talking to ME with sarcasm," i'm thinking *scoff*. "Uh, no," i reply, "but i'm sure i'd take to it a bit better than that."
"And what's with the mini skirt?" i mock.
He responds, "Well, she is the Beauty."
"x'cuse me? Did you just say she's the beauty." *argh!* Apparently, not even my hubbie is immune to a little leg.

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