Monday, January 10, 2011

Evening Friends!

Just saw this post from a blog i enjoy checking in with periodically - The Lit Connection.  i like the way the author has highlighted the books she's read throughout 2010.  May try that for my list in 2011.

Hope you're reading something intriguing these days!  i'm working on three books at the moment:  Mojo by Marshall Goldsmith (usually have a business or leadership book going), The Marble Faun by Hawthorn (yes, still!  good stuff, but slow going) and just started Outlander again (my fav -- it's been calling to me for a re-read).  i need to start The Glass Castle later this week as a few of the leddies from work are hosting a book club about it -- must do my homework!

1 comment:

tara said...

My mom read "Glass Castle" and LOVED it! She's been telling me to read too...may have to borrow from you! enjoy!